Source code for miceforest.utils

from .compat import pd_DataFrame, pd_Series, pd_read_parquet
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import RandomState
import blosc
import dill
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Optional

_t_var_list = Union[List[str], List[int]]
_t_var_dict = Union[Dict[str, List[str]], Dict[int, List[int]]]
_t_var_sub = Union[Dict[Union[int, int], Union[int, float]]]
_t_dat = Union[pd_DataFrame, np.ndarray]
_t_random_state = Union[int, RandomState, None]

[docs]def ampute_data( data: _t_dat, variables: Optional[_t_var_list] = None, perc: float = 0.1, random_state: _t_random_state = None, ): """ Ampute Data Returns a copy of data with specified variables amputed. Parameters ---------- data : Pandas DataFrame The data to ampute variables : None or list If None, are variables are amputed. perc : double The percentage of the data to ampute. random_state: None, int, or np.random.RandomState The random state to use. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame The amputed data """ amputed_data = data.copy() data_shape = amputed_data.shape amp_rows = int(perc * data_shape[0]) random_state = ensure_rng(random_state) if len(data_shape) > 1: if variables is None: variables = [i for i in range(amputed_data.shape[1])] elif isinstance(variables, list): if isinstance(variables[0], str): assert isinstance( data, pd_DataFrame ), "np array was passed but variables are strings" variables = [data.columns.tolist().index(i) for i in variables] if isinstance(amputed_data, pd_DataFrame): for v in variables: na_ind = random_state.choice( np.arange(data_shape[0]), replace=False, size=amp_rows ) amputed_data.iloc[na_ind, v] = np.NaN if isinstance(amputed_data, np.ndarray): amputed_data = amputed_data.astype("float64") for v in variables: na_ind = random_state.choice( np.arange(data_shape[0]), replace=False, size=amp_rows ) amputed_data[na_ind, v] = np.NaN else: na_ind = random_state.choice( np.arange(data_shape[0]), replace=False, size=amp_rows ) amputed_data[na_ind] = np.NaN return amputed_data
[docs]def load_kernel(filepath: str, n_threads: Optional[int] = None): """ Loads a kernel that was saved using save_kernel(). Parameters ---------- filepath: str The filepath of the saved kernel n_threads: int The threads to use for decompression. By default, all threads are used. Returns ------- ImputationKernel """ n_threads = blosc.detect_number_of_cores() if n_threads is None else n_threads blosc.set_nthreads(n_threads) with open(filepath, "rb") as f: kernel = dill.loads(blosc.decompress(dill.load(f))) if kernel.original_data_class == "pd_DataFrame": kernel.working_data = pd_read_parquet(kernel.working_data) for col in kernel.working_data.columns: kernel.working_data[col] = kernel.working_data[col].astype( kernel.working_dtypes[col] ) return kernel
def stratified_subset(y, size, groups, cat, seed): """ Subsample y using stratification. y is divided into quantiles, and then elements are randomly chosen from each quantile to come up with the subsample. Parameters ---------- y: np.ndarray The variable to use for stratification size: int How large the subset should be groups: int How many groups to break y into. The more groups, the more balanced (but less random) y will be cat: bool Is y already categorical? If so, we can skip the group creation seed: int The random seed to use. Returns ------- The indices of y that have been chosen. """ rs = RandomState(seed) if isinstance(y, pd_Series): if == "category": y = y = y.values if cat: digits = y else: q = [x / groups for x in range(1, groups)] bins = np.quantile(y, q) digits = np.digitize(y, bins, right=True) digits_v, digits_c = np.unique(digits, return_counts=True) digits_i = np.arange(digits_v.shape[0]) digits_p = digits_c / digits_c.sum() digits_s = (digits_p * size).round(0).astype("int32") diff = size - digits_s.sum() if diff != 0: digits_fix = rs.choice(digits_i, size=abs(diff), p=digits_p, replace=False) if diff < 0: for d in digits_fix: digits_s[d] -= 1 else: for d in digits_fix: digits_s[d] += 1 sub = np.zeros(shape=size).astype("int32") added = 0 for d_i in digits_i: d_v = digits_v[d_i] n = digits_s[d_i] ind = np.where(digits == d_v)[0] choice = rs.choice(ind, size=n, replace=False) sub[added : (added + n)] = choice added += n sub.sort() return sub def stratified_continuous_folds(y, nfold): """ Create primitive stratified folds for continuous data. Should be digestible by function. """ if isinstance(y, pd_Series): y = y.values elements = len(y) assert elements >= nfold, "more splits then elements." sorted = np.argsort(y) val = [sorted[range(i, len(y), nfold)] for i in range(nfold)] for v in val: yield (np.setdiff1d(range(elements), v), v) def stratified_categorical_folds(y, nfold): """ Create primitive stratified folds for categorical data. Should be digestible by function. """ if isinstance(y, pd_Series): y = y.values y = y.reshape( y.shape[0], ).copy() elements = len(y) uniq, inv, counts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True, return_inverse=True) assert elements >= nfold, "more splits then elements." if any(counts < nfold): print("Decreasing nfold to lowest categorical level count...") nfold = min(counts) sorted = np.argsort(inv) val = [sorted[range(i, len(y), nfold)] for i in range(nfold)] for v in val: yield (np.setdiff1d(range(elements), v), v) # # We don't really need to worry that much about diffusion # since we take % n at the end, and n (mmc) is usually # very small. This hash performs well enough in testing. def hash_int32(x): """ A hash function which generates random uniform (enough) int32 integers. Used in mean matching and initialization. """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert x.dtype == "int32", "x must be int32" x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45D9F3B x = ((x >> 16) ^ x) * 0x45D9F3B x = (x >> 16) ^ x return x def _draw_random_int32(random_state, size): nums = random_state.randint( low=0, high=np.iinfo("int32").max, size=size, dtype="int32" ) return nums def ensure_rng(random_state) -> RandomState: """ Creates a random number generator based on an optional seed. This can be an integer or another random state for a seeded rng, or None for an unseeded rng. """ if random_state is None: random_state = RandomState() elif isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = RandomState(random_state) else: assert isinstance(random_state, RandomState) return random_state def _ensure_iterable(x): """ If the object is iterable, return the object. Else, return the object in a length 1 list. """ return x if hasattr(x, "__iter__") else [x] def _assert_dataset_equivalent(ds1: _t_dat, ds2: _t_dat): if isinstance(ds1, pd_DataFrame): assert isinstance(ds2, pd_DataFrame) assert ds1.equals(ds2) else: assert isinstance(ds2, np.ndarray) np.testing.assert_array_equal(ds1, ds2) def _ensure_np_array(x): if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x if isinstance(x, pd_DataFrame) | isinstance(x, pd_Series): return x.values else: raise ValueError("Can't cast to numpy array") def _interpret_ds(val, avail_can): if isinstance(val, int): assert val <= avail_can, "data subset is more than available candidates" elif isinstance(val, float): assert (val <= 1.0) and (val > 0.0), "if float, 0.0 < data_subset <= 1.0" val = int(val * avail_can) else: raise ValueError("malformed data_subset passed") return val def _dict_set_diff(iter1, iter2) -> Dict[int, List[int]]: """ Returns a dict, where the elements in iter1 are the keys, and the values are the set differences between the key and the values of iter2. """ ret = {int(y): [int(x) for x in iter2 if int(x) != int(y)] for y in iter1} return ret def _slice(dat, row_slice=slice(None), col_slice=slice(None)): """ Returns a view of the subset data if possible. """ if isinstance(dat, pd_DataFrame): return dat.iloc[row_slice, col_slice] elif isinstance(dat, np.ndarray): return dat[row_slice, col_slice] else: raise ValueError("Unknown data class passed.") def _assign_col_values_without_copy(dat, row_ind, col_ind, val): """ Insert values into different data frame objects. """ row_ind = _ensure_iterable(row_ind) if isinstance(dat, pd_DataFrame): # Remove iterable attribute if # we are only assigning 1 value if len(val) == 1: val = val[0] dat.iloc[row_ind, col_ind] = val elif isinstance(dat, np.ndarray): val.shape = -1 dat[row_ind, col_ind] = val else: raise ValueError("Unknown data class passed.") def _subset_data(dat, row_ind=None, col_ind=None, return_1d=False): """ Can subset data along 2 axis. Explicitly returns a copy. """ row_ind = range(dat.shape[0]) if row_ind is None else row_ind col_ind = range(dat.shape[1]) if col_ind is None else col_ind if isinstance(dat, pd_DataFrame): data_copy = dat.iloc[row_ind, col_ind] return data_copy.to_numpy().flatten() if return_1d else data_copy elif isinstance(dat, np.ndarray): row_ind = _ensure_iterable(row_ind) col_ind = _ensure_iterable(col_ind) data_copy = dat[np.ix_(row_ind, col_ind)] return data_copy.flatten() if return_1d else data_copy else: raise ValueError("Unknown data class passed.") def logodds(probability): try: odds_ratio = probability / (1 - probability) log_odds = np.log(odds_ratio) except ZeroDivisionError: raise ValueError( "lightgbm output a probability of 1.0 or 0.0. " "This is usually because of rare classes. " "Try adjusting min_data_in_leaf." ) return log_odds def logistic_function(log_odds): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-log_odds))